You're the kind of person who does not shy away from personal growth work because you’ve done plenty but you’re troubled by resistance to move into a life that you're desiring.

You've got big things you want to start doing in your life! You end up scrolling through social media or stuffing your fears with food to avoid being overwhelmed by the voice in your head saying you can’t do this or you could fail.

The limiting beliefs you hold about who you are and how to live your life are keeping you living small.

You are frustrated because the voices in your head are saying, “Who are you to share your gifts with the world. Your not worthy.”


     You've got big things you want to start doing in your life! 
You end up scrolling through social media or stuffing your fears with food to avoid being overwhelmed by the voice in your head saying you can’t do this or you could fail.  

The limiting beliefs you hold about who you are and how to live your life are keeping you living small. You are frustrated because the voices in your head are saying, “Who are you to share your gifts with the world. Your not worthy.” 

You wake up knowing the clock is ticking, you need to move forward but self-doubt says, “You're a fraud, you're not qualified, it's too much responsibility, and where will you get the money? 

You feel envy as you witness others successfully living a life of purpose as you're stuck meeting everyone else's needs which leaves you little or no time or energy for yourself.  

Your fear of making a mistake STOPS YOU in your tracks. 

Fear of being judged and really being seen weighs you down.

You are on a merry go round screaming “stop the voices, I want to get off!!”